Monday, May 27, 2013

Sure 24 Girls&Boys Home/School

I'm sorry it's been a few days since my last post, I've been exhausted... I'm still trying to get over my jet lag. 
This past Saturday I got to visit Sure 24, which is a girls&boys home for children who either have no home, were abandoned, or their parents couldn't afford to take care of them. All of the children at Sure 24 have sponsors. The girls and boys live there and go to school there as well. I'm not sure how many children live there exactly, but it's probably around 100 or so. 
Once the children finish high school at Sure 24 they either learn a trade, or sometimes(very rarely) go to college. At Sure 24 they have small trade programs like, wood shop, a basic mechanic shop, and sewing. It's very difficult for the girls and boys to go to college, they have no money for tuition or supplies. 
On Saturdays they have their "Feeding Program"which is open to the entire community. All the children in the community will gather together and have activities for each age group. In the morning they are taught about the bible and sing worship songs, after that they have recess where they'll play soccer and volleyball. After a morning of uplifting activities they are served a hot meal, usually oogali and some kind of veggie. (Oogali is a staple food in most African countries, but different countries have different names for it. It's basically a maize paste that's kind of like very bland mashed potatoes.)  After lunch they go home to spend the rest of the day with their family and friends. Teresa and I got to eat there with them and spend a little time with them.
Teresa has 2 girls at Sure 24 that are under Sure 24, Saiboku and Grace. After lunch we got special permission to take Saiboku and Grace home with us for the night. We took them to dinner and watched a movie, The Lion King...they LOVED it! I also gave them brand new night gowns that were donated to me before leaving the US. Teresa had mentioned that the girls are always cold, especially at night. Most all of the buildings here are made of stone so it's very cold at night and in the morning. I mentioned this to my mom and she told some small groups about it and several people wanted to donate night gowns. Saiboku and Grace loved their night gowns and were so grateful. 
Both girls have very unique backgrounds...I'll fill you in on their stories on the next post. 
Thanks for reading! :)

 Saiboku and Grace in their new warm nightgowns!

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