Friday, May 10, 2013

Desert Rose Ministries

This post is just to give everyone some background on the ministry I'll be working for in Kenya.
Teresa June Webb moved to Nukuru, Kenya and started a ministry called Desert Rose Ministry. Her main job was rescuing girls from FGM (female genital mutilation) and early childhood marriage. Just to give you some background on the culture, FGM is tradition practiced daily to young girls in a lot of African counties. After the procedure these young girls are married off to men their grandfathers age as a fifth or sixth wife. When Teresa caught wind of a girl who wanted to escape from that, usually the girls would just run away, Teresa would place them in a girls home, there are several homes around Kenya. Once in the home, Teresa would find them American sponsors for them which would provide clothing, food, shelter, and education. 
There is a tree in Kenya called the Desert Rose Tree, this tree grows in harsh environments next to boulders and rocks and harsh soil, but blooms the most beautiful pink flowers. Teresa was trying to find a name for her ministry when she thought about the desert rose reminded her so much of the girls she's rescued. These young girls grow up in harsh environments with cruel traditions, but after being rescued they grow up into beautiful confident women. Teresa knew that had to be the name of the ministry. 
One of Teresa's mottos is "Touch the untouched, and love the unloved." Not only does Teresa rescue girls from FGM, she also goes out where God's word has never been heard and hands out handheld solar paneled audio bibles. Teresa goes on 2 day hikes on top of mountains to reach primitive tribes who have never heard the word. There are no schools or education so of course the people in these tribes can't read or write. So Teresa got ahold of some of these solar paneled audio bibles and gave them to these tribes so they could listen to the word in their own language.
I'm so excited to be working alongside Teresa and her amazing ministry! 

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