Friday, July 12, 2013

Kenya Relief

Teresa and I just got to Nairobi. Tonight we took Boaz (straight out of the bush, Samburu Warrior) to his first movie at a movie theater. Boaz was freaking out because it was a 3D movie, but he loved it! We had such a great time. Now it's off to Migori for some hard work at Kenya Relief, we're joining a team that's coming from the US for the next week. We're meeting the team tomorrow morning and traveling to Migori together. There a few eye doctors going on this trip so they will be doing a lot of eye surgeries. Sunday we will be touring the local hospital there, and starting Monday we will be working in the clinic everyday. I'm not sure what exactly I'll be doing, I'll probably just be floating around as an extra pair of hands. I'm so excited because we're going to be staying on the same compound as the orphanage so I'll finally be surrounded by a bunch of kids! I bringing a few movies and my projector just in case we have a free night and I can show the kids a movie, probably The Lion King haha. Keep our team in your prayers! 


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